Meet Our Faculty Team

Academic Excellence

Die Besten der Branche

Die Steinbeis University kann nicht nur weltbekannte Industriekontakte und erstklassige Universitätspartnerschaften vorweisen. Unsere hochqualifizierten Dozenten sind führend in ihrem Gebiet und freuen sich darauf, ihr Insiderwissen mit dir zu teilen.


Meet Our Faculty Team

The Best in the Business

The Steinbeis University doesn’t only boast world-renowned industry contacts and top-class university partnerships. Our expert faculty members are top of their game and eager to share with you their insider knowledge.

Prof. Dr. Mario Vaupel

Position: Strategy
Categories: Faculty

Prof. Dr. Mario Vaupel is a distinguished figure in the field of leadership and management. Armed with a Diploma in Social Sciences and a Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences, he brings a wealth of academic and practical expertise to his role as Professor of Sustainable Leadership.


Throughout his career, Prof. Dr. Vaupel has dedicated himself to researching transfer-oriented leadership development. He is a prolific author, with numerous publications on strategy and leadership. He is also recognized as a co-founder of the European Corporate Learning Forum (ECLF) and serves on the Board of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).


Prof. Dr. Vaupel’s professional journey is equally impressive. It encompasses roles such as Sales Manager at Allianz Versicherungen AG, leadership positions at HDI, Division Manager at Victoria Insurances, and Chief Learning Officer (CLO) at ERGO. His tenure at ERGO also involved coaching top managers.


Currently, he is the Director of the consulting firm L21st Consulting and holds the position of Professor for Sustainable Leadership at Steinbeis University. Prof. Dr. Vaupel’s significant contributions led to the founding of the Institute of Executive Capabilities at Steinbeis University, which later merged to become the Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices (S-Next), where he now serves as the CEO. His dedication to leadership development and education is a hallmark of his distinguished career.

Prof. Dr. Mario Vaupel


Prof. Dr. Karl-Georg Steffens

Position: Statistik, Mathematik
Categories: Faculty
Prof. Dr. Karl-Georg Steffens works at the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Hamm as a professor of logistics and is also the founder of the Institute for Post-Fossil Logistics in Münster. Since 2012, he has been leading research projects in the field of sustainable logistics with a focus on electromobile heavy-duty logistics.
Prof. Dr. Steffens has been a lecturer at Steinbeis University since March 2009. There he represents the subjects of mathematics, statistics and consumer research.
He has also taught courses in operations management, operations research, risk management, insurance economics, applied information technology, distributed systems and data communication.
After studying mathematics, he previously worked as a research assistant at the University of Frankfurt am Main and as a project manager in sales at Hochtief Software GmbH.
Professor Steffens has extensive experience abroad and has led research projects in Bolivia and Ukraine, among other places.

Prof. Dr. Karl-Georg Steffens

Statistik, Mathematik

Dr. Dirk Ehnts

Position: Economics, Politics & Society
Categories: Faculty
Dr. Dirk Ehnts, an esteemed economist based in Berlin, has built his academic journey on a strong foundation. He holds a diploma in economics from the University of Göttingen and successfully completed his Ph.D. at the University of Oldenburg.
Throughout his career, Dr. Ehnts has had the privilege of contributing to the academic community in various capacities. He has taken on visiting professor roles at institutions like the University of Flensburg and Free University Berlin, along with lecturer positions at esteemed institutions such as the Technical University Chemnitz, Bard College Berlin, and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. In addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Ehnts actively participates in conferences such as the Europäische MMT-Konferenz 2023 at HWR Berlin. He is also involved in the Online-MA Program „Economics of Sustainability“ at Torrens University in Australia.
Dr. Ehnts has undertaken research in monetary theory and has authored several books, including a macroeconomic textbook scheduled for publication by Springer in November 2023. His other book, „Modern Monetary Theory: Eine Einführung,“ published by Springer in 2022, has been well-received. Dr. Ehnts continues to explore the world of economics through his blog and has contributed a new paper titled „Die Eurozone und die Weltwirtschaft – Geld und Ressourcen“ to DIW Vierteljahreshefte. He has also authored the book „Geld und Kredit,“ now in its 4th edition, available at https://www.pufendorf-gesellschaft.org. His dedication to advancing economic knowledge is also reflected in his academic papers published in respected journals. Additionally, he has shared insights through contributions to newspapers like taz, NZZ, FAZ, and online platforms like Makroskop.
In all his pursuits, Dr. Dirk Ehnts remains committed to the humble pursuit of economic understanding and the dissemination of knowledge.

Dr. Dirk Ehnts

Economics, Politics & Society

Katharina Salmen

Position: Science and Research
Categories: Faculty
Katharina Salmen is a lecturer with a strong educational background. She is currently in the final stage of the Doctoral Programme in European Management at ESCP Business School Berlin with the aim of obtaining a PhD in the field of Human Resource Management. Her research is located in the field of Human Resource Management, focusing on the Future of Work, specifically Employee Agility, Ambidexterity, and Talent Management. She published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, and contributed papers to various international conferences such as the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in 2022 in Seattle / USA.
Her academic journey includes a Master of Science in Business Administration (with a focus on Human Resources and International Management) from the University of Bayreuth in 2016 and a Bachelor of Science in Global Business Management (with a focus on Strategy and International Management) from the University of Augsburg in 2013.
Concerning her professional experience she took over roles such as Junior HR Business Partner, positions in HR controlling and HR transformation projects at Robert Bosch GmbH in Germany. She has lived several months in Seoul, South Korea studying at EWHA Woman’s University, and more than one year in Quito, Ecuador, doing voluntary work with street children. She is fluent in three languages (German, English, and Spanish).
In addition to her academic and professional pursuits, Katharina is the co-founder of the initiative https://deine-stoffwindel.com/ , aimed at reducing waste in baby care, with a substantial user base. Due to this project, Katharina gained profound knowledge in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Marketing.

Katharina Salmen

Science and Research

Prof. Dr. Leef H. Dierks

Position: Finance, Economics
Categories: Faculty
After studying economics and business administration at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Prof. Dr. Leef H. Dierks spent close to a decade in global investment banking at Barclays Capital in Frankfurt and at Morgan Stanley in London before being appointed Professor of Finance and International Capital Markets at the Lübeck University of Technology in the winter semester 2013/14.
In addition to monetary theory and monetary policy, his research focuses in particular on behavioural economics, i.e., the attempt to supplement existing economic models with human behaviour, which is not always rational. In 2022, Prof. Dierks published a widely acclaimed textbook on monetary policy. Also, Prof. Dierks is co-organizer of the annual Madrid Conference on Austrian Economics.
Prof. Dierks, who was Visiting Scholar at The SEACEN Centre in 2023, has given guest lectures in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Spain and Jordan, among others. Further, Prof. Dierks is liaison officer of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Germany’s largest, oldest and most prestigious scholarship foundation.

Prof. Dr. Leef H. Dierks

Finance, Economics

Dr. Dennis Zeiler

Position: Entrepreneurship
Categories: Faculty
Dennis is a full-time Senior Investment Manager at xdeck (www.xdeck.vc) and part-time entrepreneurship lecturer at Steinbeis University. xdeck is a pre-seed and seed-focused venture platform that invests into B2B tech startups from across Europe, where Dennis was one of the founding members in 2020. His responsibilities include the end-to-end execution of venture capital investments and the growth support of startups. Dennis’ xdeck portfolio companies include Floy, Packmatic, and Sunhat. In his free time, Dennis is an active angel investor in global tech startups. As a startup coach and sparring partner, Dennis has supported more than 150 startups.
Additionally, Dennis is entrepreneurship lecturer at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, where he also received his Ph.D. degree on the topic of “entrepreneurial passion”. He co-lectures the annual seminar „New Venture Creation“, out of which many successful startups have emerged over the last years, including Afilio, PowerUs, and Warehousing1. At Steinbeis University, Dennis is responsible for several entrepreneurship-related courses where he strives to provide students with hands-on tools and concepts to launch their own entrepreneurial journeys. Topics include: Entrepreneurial mindset, structured ideation and business modelling, effectuation, lean-startup methodology, startup financing and entrepreneurial marketing.

Dr. Dennis Zeiler


David Bürgin

Position: Market, Customer, Marketing
Categories: Faculty
David Bürgin is a dynamic lecturer with a strong academic and professional background. He holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business Administration, demonstrating his commitment to a deep understanding of business principles. David further solidified his expertise by earning a Ph.D. in sustainable Pricing.
His career journey has been marked by diverse experiences, beginning with work in a Marketing Agency and later at Zalando Lounge, where he specialized in Performance Marketing. His stint as a consultant at Mercedes-Benz Consulting allowed him to delve into the intricacies of strategy and change, while his role at DB Systel GmbH further enriched his consulting skills.
David’s field of expertise is multifaceted, encompassing Strategy & Change, Pricing, Digital Marketing, and Sustainability. His academic rigor and practical experience make him a valuable resource in these domains. With a commitment to driving positive change and sustainability, David Bürgin’s insights and knowledge contribute significantly to his students‘ education and professional growth.

David Bürgin

Market, Customer, Marketing

Harald Gasper

Position: Marketing Communication
Categories: Faculty
Harald Gasper is a seasoned professional in the field of communication, holding a diploma in this area. Currently, he serves as the Director of Content Marketing at Serviceplan House of Communication Berlin.
Studied at the Berlin University of the Arts. Following this, he taught at the faculty for a period of ten years, where he lectured on „Creativity and Concept“ and „The Deviation Principle“ in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Werner Gaede.
In his mid-20s, Harald Gasper ventured into entrepreneurship by founding his own communications agency in Berlin. Through this endeavor, he collaborated with both national profit and non-profit organisations.
Later he relocated to Hamburg, where he took on the role of a creative professional working on the EXPO2000 World Exposition account at the KNSK, BBDO agency. His career then led him to a decade-long tenure as a Creative Director at Jung von Matt, one of Germany’s leading advertising agencies. During this time, he oversaw the worldwide sales literature for brands such as BMW, MINI, and Mercedes.
In 2011, Harald Gasper founded the Serviceplan Content Unit and worked as a partner and managing director with international clients, including Google and Konica Minolta.
He has been teaching Master Classes on “Marketing Communication and Branding” and “Digital Marketing Advanced” at Steinbeis University since 2019.

Harald Gasper

Marketing Communication

Prof. Dr. Ben van Lier

Position: Innovation Management
Categories: Faculty
Professor Dr. Ben van Lier is a distinguished figure with a wealth of experience in the interface between organizations and technology. Having retired as the Director of Strategy & Innovation at Centric, a prominent Dutch IT company, he dedicated the last decade to extensive research and analysis in this domain. In 2009, he achieved his Ph.D. from the Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University), showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge.
In 2013, Prof. Dr. Ben van Lier was appointed as a Professor at Steinbeis University Berlin, where he continues his research alongside his roles at Centric. His research spans a wide range of topics, including systems and complexity theory, interoperability of information, information ethics, and emerging technologies.
Additionally, in 2015, he assumed the role of Professor at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, where his research explores the (Industrial) Internet of Things, Blockchain technology/consensus algorithms, federated cloud/edge developments, and cybersecurity.
In recent years, Prof. Dr. Ben van Lier has ventured into the fascinating realm of quantum informatics, seeking to establish connections with other digital developments. His dedication to research and teaching underscores his profound impact in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and its intersection with organizational dynamics.

Prof. Dr. Ben van Lier

Innovation Management

Dr. René Jerusalem

Position: Organization Development
Categories: Faculty
Dr. René Jerusalem is a seasoned lecturer and HR expert with a rich and diverse career. His academic journey began with A-Levels and military service, followed by studies in Psychology at Bonn University, culminating in his graduation with a Diploma in 1995. Subsequently, he delved into the realm of social and organizational psychology, earning his Ph.D. from Bielefeld University in 2002.
Dr. Jerusalem’s passion for psychology and its applications led him to become a lecturer in Organizational Psychology, teaching in Cologne and Berlin (including Steinbeis University) since 2013. His extensive expertise is reflected in his numerous publications, covering topics such as employee surveys, Talent Management, Change Management, and Competency Management.
With over two decades of experience in HR, Dr. Jerusalem has held various roles, including leadership trainer, personnel diagnostics specialist, internal HRD consultant, Head of Personnel Development, and Director for Learning and Development. Currently, he serves as the Head of People Development and Change at ECE Group Services GmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg.
Dr. Jerusalem’s career spans three industries: Insurance, Wholesale/Retail, and Real Estate. He has spearheaded projects in Change Management, HR IT solutions implementation (SuccessFactors, Cornerstone on Demand), and Leadership Development.

Dr. René Jerusalem

Organization Development

Stefan Oppitz

Position: Business Psychology
Categories: Faculty
Stefan Oppitz is the Managing Director of A-M-T Management Performance AG, a prominent German consulting firm. He began his career at A-M-T as an external consultant and trainer, specializing in international business relationships.
Stefan holds a Psychology degree from the University of Trier, Germany, and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from North Carolina State University, USA. Returning to Germany, he worked in various HR positions at a leading financial institution, developing assessment tools for selection and development.
Throughout his career, Stefan excelled as an external consultant, trainer, and coach, contributing to training initiatives in various sectors. He emphasizes performance improvement, assisting organizations in setting goals, analyzing gaps, and implementing interventions.
Stefan is a senior trainer for the MBTI® Personality Profile and other psychometric instruments, using them in team development, coaching, and sales training. He emphasizes the consistent application of processes in personnel and organizational development, guiding clients through change and conflicts as a qualified mediator.
With strong ties to the USA, Stefan has been a long-time member of ASTD (now ATD) and worked as part of its facilitators in Europe. He is an author and editor of books on performance improvement, leadership, communication, and personality. Furthermore, he is a renowned speaker at international conferences and lectures at Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin, covering topics like „Business Psychology“ and „Performance Management.“

Stefan Oppitz

Business Psychology

Prof. Dr. Ralf Elsner

Position: Marketing
Categories: Faculty
Prof. Dr. Ralf Elsner brings over two decades of invaluable leadership and management experience in the media and mail order industry to his role as a lecturer. Following his studies in economics, he pursued a part-time doctorate and habilitation at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management / Vallendar, showcasing his dedication to academic excellence.
Prof. Elsner is not only a seasoned academic but also a trusted advisor to prominent German e-commerce and direct marketing companies. He imparts his extensive knowledge as a lecturer at various universities and academies, specializing in „quantitative and digital marketing.“ His contributions extend beyond the classroom, as he has authored numerous high-quality scientific publications and received the prestigious Marketing Science Practice Prize.
Since April 2016, he has held the esteemed professorship for „Marketing and Sales“ at the ADG Business School. Prof. Dr. Ralf Elsner’s research and teaching focus on practical, quantitative methods and optimization. Key areas of expertise include customer relationship management, direct/dialogue marketing, e-commerce, and business analytics. His dedication to bridging academia and industry enriches the educational experiences of his students and advances the field of marketing.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Elsner


Sina Alessa Kraus

Position: Competency Development
Categories: Faculty
Sina Alessa Kraus is an academic and practitioner curious about the complexities of human experience and behavior coupled with a commitment to fostering better understanding among individuals at work and beyond.
In her research, she focuses on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, intercultural management, as well as international human resource management. She has published her work in the Journal of World Business and the Academy of Management Proceedings, and presented her research at several conferences, such as the Global Conference on International Human Resource Management and the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. She also supervises theses about topics related to her research interests.
As a lecturer for personal and social skills at S-Next, she understands her role in three ways: a) as a lecturer who imparts theoretical insights, b) as a facilitator who creates space for exchange and discussion, and c) as a mentor who supports her students on their learning journey. Accordingly, she combines her theoretical knowledge with her own experience as a learner and as a teacher to create practically relevant classroom experiences. At ESCP Business School, she also teaches classes on intercultural management, leadership, and international human resource management.
With a background in social and organizational psychology, Sina holds certifications as a mediator for professional conflict resolution, as an intercultural trainer, and as a systemic consultant. As such, she volunteers for Heldenrat – Beratung für soziale Bewegungen e.V. and supports social initiatives in developing solutions for their specific challenges.

Sina Alessa Kraus

Competency Development

Dr. Wolfgang Glitscher

Position: Project Management
Categories: Faculty
Dr. Wolfgang Glitscher is a distinguished lecturer and academic with a multifaceted career spanning science, research, and project management. He embarked on his academic journey by studying Technical Chemistry and Biochemistry, culminating in a Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry from TU Berlin. During the initial eight years of his career, he conducted groundbreaking research at the Technical University Berlin.
Dr. Glitscher’s career then transitioned into the realm of innovation and technology, where he spent a decade contributing to various initiatives within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, including a prominent role as the program director of the telematics platform for medical research networks (TMF) from 2001 to 2004.
Subsequently, he channeled his expertise into the consulting domain, specializing in project management processes and systems, working with a Microsoft partner in London and Cologne for twelve years.
Since 2005, Dr. Glitscher has been imparting his knowledge as a university lecturer for Project Management at TU-Berlin’s Production Technology Center, specifically in the international master program Global Production Engineering (GPE). His affiliation with the German Association for Project Management (GPM) underscores his commitment to advancing project management practices.
Dr. Wolfgang Glitscher’s career trajectory reflects his diverse expertise, from scientific research to project management, making him a valuable asset to both academia and the professional world.

Dr. Wolfgang Glitscher

Project Management

Siddik Turhalli

Position: Innovation Project, Entrepreneurship
Categories: Faculty
Siddik Turhalli is a distinguished lecturer with a remarkable background in entrepreneurship and finance. He holds dual MSc degrees, one in Entrepreneurship from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and another in Business Economics from Catolica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, showcasing his commitment to academic excellence.
Siddik’s expertise extends beyond academia; he is a prolific author, notably known for his article „Corporate Venture Capital,“ which found a place of honor in the book „Praxishandbuch Finanzierung von Innovationen · Von der Idee bis zum Exit.“ His contributions to the field of innovation financing have been widely recognized and appreciated.
Currently, Siddik serves as a partner at LEPI Ventures, where he spearheads startup and fund investments, demonstrating his acumen in venture capital. Previously, he held the position of Head of Investments at W&W Group, solidifying his reputation as a seasoned investment strategist.
In addition to his professional accomplishments, Siddik is deeply committed to fostering inclusivity and supporting underprivileged and undernetworked founders. His dedication to making the entrepreneurial landscape more equitable is a testament to his passion for creating positive change in the startup ecosystem. Siddik Turhalli is not only an accomplished lecturer and investor but also a catalyst for social impact in the world of entrepreneurship.

Siddik Turhalli

Innovation Project, Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilde

Position: Data Science,
AI and Digital Entrepreneurship
Categories: Faculty, Head of Programs/School
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilde is a dedicated professional in the fields of entrepreneurship, data science, and academia. With extensive experience in the startup ecosystem, he specializes in SaaS startups and artificial intelligence, making him a respected expert in these areas.
Thomas has had the privilege of serving as the CEO of a Business Intelligence Consulting firm and co-founding a Social Media analytics company, where he had the opportunity to collaborate with well-established companies including Audi, Deutsche Bank, BMW, Allianz, and Google.
Currently, Thomas is passionate about mentoring startups during their early stages, offering his insights and knowledge to support their growth. He began his career as an assistant for the management board of Arcandor AG, where he gained valuable experience in e-commerce, M&A, and restructuring, shaping his business acumen.
Educationally, Thomas holds multiple degrees, including a Diploma and MSc in Management and Business Research from Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. He further enhanced his academic journey by earning a Ph.D. in Information Systems Research from the same institution, reflecting his dedication to advancing knowledge in his field. Now he strives to bridge the worlds of academia, AI and entrepreneurship, seeking to make a positive contribution to both realms.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wilde

Data Science,
AI and Digital Entrepreneurship

Yoan Tanasale

Position: Director of Competency Transfer & Career Coaching
Categories: Faculty

Yoan Tanasale is a dedicated and versatile lecturer with a diverse educational background. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Indonesia and completed her Master’s in Business and Organizational Psychology at Steinbeis University. Additionally, she is a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.


Throughout her career, Yoan has gained experience in various fields, including Recruitment/Talent Acquisition (since 2010), Human Resources Management (2919-2017), People Development (since 2013), Coaching (since 2019), and Digital Marketing (since 2018). Her interests primarily revolve around transformational leadership and people development.


Presently, Yoan Tanasale serves as the Director of Online Marketing at Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices GmbH (S-Next). She also takes on the roles of a coach and lecturer at S-Next, where she shares her knowledge in Human Resources Management, Personnel Marketing, and Recruitment. Furthermore, she is devoted to assisting individuals as a Career Coach.


Yoan’s well-rounded background and her commitment to various disciplines make her a valuable contributor in the fields of education, coaching, and human resources management. Her genuine passion for nurturing talent and leadership development is a defining aspect of her career.

Yoan Tanasale

Director of Competency Transfer & Career Coaching

Dr. Andrea Meyer

Position: Strategic
Categories: Faculty

Dr. Andrea Meyer is an Academic Advisor and Faculty Member at the Berlin School of Creative Leadership. Since 2021, she has also been associated with the Steinbeis School of Management and Innovation as well as Next Practices, where she holds multiple roles, including Head of Project Coach, Director of Executive Education, and Lecturer. In addition, she serves as a member of the examination committee.

Between 2003 and 2021, Dr. Meyer worked for different airlines, such as LTU, Air Berlin, Thomas Cook and Sundair. There, she held varying positions in departments ranging from Flight Operations and Safety Management, to being the Deputy Security Manager as well as the Head of Operations Documentation and Trainings Management. This period marked her significant contributions to the aviation industry, a sector in which she has also been working as an ICAO Language Examiner for Aviation English since 2020.

Her academic contributions extend beyond her current affiliations. She has been working for different universities, such as Fern Hochschule Hagen, SRH or IUBH. There, she worked not only as a lecturer for different modules (such as „Team Building”, Communication” or “Leading teams and individuals”), but also as an author of various modules, focusing on areas like “Occupational Psychology” or “Health Management”. Since 2009, Dr. Meyer has also been an external staff member at the department for “HR Management and Organization” at Fern Universität Hagen.

During her studies, she concentrated on Human Resource Management and earned her Ph.D in Strategic Management at the University in Linz, Austria.

With a career that spans various sectors, Dr. Andrea Meyer has presented a remarkable blend of leadership, educational expertise, and operational competence. She has been a key figure in multiple roles, from authoring educational modules to serving in high-level managerial positions in organizations.

Dr. Andrea Meyer


Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger

Position: Organization,
Categories: Faculty, Head of Programs/School

Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger is an academic with a strong background in organization and management. Since 2005, he has been privileged to serve as a Professor of Organization at Steinbeis University. In 2011, he, along with Markus Heudorf, had the opportunity to establish the Institute for Organization & Management (Steinbeis-IOM), an important contribution to the field.


In 2022, Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger assumed the role of Director of the Online Program at Steinbeis University Schools of Next Practices (Steinbeis-Next), a role that reflects his dedication to fostering education and innovation.


His educational journey began with a degree in industrial engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, setting the stage for a fulfilling career. Starting as a consultant at Management Partner and later heading the organization department at the renowned Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Munich.


In 1996, he earned his doctorate at the University of Oldenburg under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pfriem, Chair of Corporate Management and Corporate Environmental Policy. In 2004, he completed his habilitation, marking an important milestone.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger’s contributions to the field encompass topics such as institutional organization, corporate networks, collective intelligence, and agile organizations. His strong dedication to research and education has allowed him to be a part of the community in the world of organization and management.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger


Dr. Stela Dhima

Position: Market Research, Program Director Business and Organizational Psychology
Categories: Faculty, Head of Programs/School

Dr. Stela Dhima is a distinguished lecturer with a profound background in psychology, boasting a Ph.D. in the field. Her expertise spans a wide array of sub-disciplines, including Organizational and Behavioral Psychology, Ethics in Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, and Child Psychology.


Dr. Dhima has made significant contributions to academia, research, and the business world, showcasing her versatility and knowledge. Her academic journey includes teaching roles at esteemed institutions, including the Faculty of Social Sciences at Albanian University and University Marin Barleti, both in Tirana, Albania. Additionally, she has been a valuable member of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana for over a decade.


Her international experience includes a tenure at the University of New York Tirana, in collaboration with the State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College, highlighting her global outlook and dedication to education.


Currently, Dr. Stela Dhima holds the esteemed position of Program Director at Steinbeis University – Schools of Next Practices in Berlin, Germany, where she continues to enrich the academic landscape with her wealth of knowledge and experience through lecturing and coaching. Her multifaceted expertise in psychology and her commitment to education make her a respected figure in her field.

Dr. Stela Dhima

Market Research, Program Director Business and Organizational Psychology