
Stefan Oppitz

Position: Business Psychology
Categories: Faculty
Stefan Oppitz is the Managing Director of A-M-T Management Performance AG, a prominent German consulting firm. He began his career at A-M-T as an external consultant and trainer, specializing in international business relationships.
Stefan holds a Psychology degree from the University of Trier, Germany, and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from North Carolina State University, USA. Returning to Germany, he worked in various HR positions at a leading financial institution, developing assessment tools for selection and development.
Throughout his career, Stefan excelled as an external consultant, trainer, and coach, contributing to training initiatives in various sectors. He emphasizes performance improvement, assisting organizations in setting goals, analyzing gaps, and implementing interventions.
Stefan is a senior trainer for the MBTI® Personality Profile and other psychometric instruments, using them in team development, coaching, and sales training. He emphasizes the consistent application of processes in personnel and organizational development, guiding clients through change and conflicts as a qualified mediator.
With strong ties to the USA, Stefan has been a long-time member of ASTD (now ATD) and worked as part of its facilitators in Europe. He is an author and editor of books on performance improvement, leadership, communication, and personality. Furthermore, he is a renowned speaker at international conferences and lectures at Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin, covering topics like “Business Psychology” and “Performance Management.”
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