
Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger

Position: Organization,
Categories: Faculty, Head of Programs/School

Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger is an academic with a strong background in organization and management. Since 2005, he has been privileged to serve as a Professor of Organization at Steinbeis University. In 2011, he, along with Markus Heudorf, had the opportunity to establish the Institute for Organization & Management (Steinbeis-IOM), an important contribution to the field.


In 2022, Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger assumed the role of Director of the Online Program at Steinbeis University Schools of Next Practices (Steinbeis-Next), a role that reflects his dedication to fostering education and innovation.


His educational journey began with a degree in industrial engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, setting the stage for a fulfilling career. Starting as a consultant at Management Partner and later heading the organization department at the renowned Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Munich.


In 1996, he earned his doctorate at the University of Oldenburg under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pfriem, Chair of Corporate Management and Corporate Environmental Policy. In 2004, he completed his habilitation, marking an important milestone.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger’s contributions to the field encompass topics such as institutional organization, corporate networks, collective intelligence, and agile organizations. His strong dedication to research and education has allowed him to be a part of the community in the world of organization and management.

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