
Dr. Dirk Ehnts

Position: Economics, Politics & Society
Categories: Faculty
Dr. Dirk Ehnts, an esteemed economist based in Berlin, has built his academic journey on a strong foundation. He holds a diploma in economics from the University of Göttingen and successfully completed his Ph.D. at the University of Oldenburg.
Throughout his career, Dr. Ehnts has had the privilege of contributing to the academic community in various capacities. He has taken on visiting professor roles at institutions like the University of Flensburg and Free University Berlin, along with lecturer positions at esteemed institutions such as the Technical University Chemnitz, Bard College Berlin, and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. In addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Ehnts actively participates in conferences such as the Europäische MMT-Konferenz 2023 at HWR Berlin. He is also involved in the Online-MA Program “Economics of Sustainability” at Torrens University in Australia.
Dr. Ehnts has undertaken research in monetary theory and has authored several books, including a macroeconomic textbook scheduled for publication by Springer in November 2023. His other book, “Modern Monetary Theory: Eine Einführung,” published by Springer in 2022, has been well-received. Dr. Ehnts continues to explore the world of economics through his blog and has contributed a new paper titled “Die Eurozone und die Weltwirtschaft – Geld und Ressourcen” to DIW Vierteljahreshefte. He has also authored the book “Geld und Kredit,” now in its 4th edition, available at https://www.pufendorf-gesellschaft.org. His dedication to advancing economic knowledge is also reflected in his academic papers published in respected journals. Additionally, he has shared insights through contributions to newspapers like taz, NZZ, FAZ, and online platforms like Makroskop.
In all his pursuits, Dr. Dirk Ehnts remains committed to the humble pursuit of economic understanding and the dissemination of knowledge.
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